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Events at School

SciCore Math Fair of 2023

This was yet another wonderful Math Fair, where the 5th - 12th graders all showed off how far they have come in understanding advanced mathematical topics. This year, there was much emphasis on special functions and numbers that calculate and describe physical movements in the universe. Thank you to all of the math teachers. The students were definitely well prepared.

SciCore Math Fair of 2023

The SciCore 2023 Pie Day

The SciCore 2023 Pie Day

Thank you everyone for bringing pies to celebrate our 'Pie Day', a time for us to reflect on blessings and be grateful for what we have in life. We also get to share stories and lessons about the history of Thanksgiving in the classes leading up to the party. Hope you enjoyed, everyone!

SciCore Halloween Party

Our Halloween party went splendidly. Students of all ages dressed up, danced, played musical chairs, and enjoyed performing in and watching plays conducted by our teachers. Our gallery will soon be updated with many new photos and videos from this year! Thank you, teachers, for all the help, and thank you, students, for such a wonderful day.

SciCore Halloween Party

The Mardi Gras Party of 2023


Our Mardi Gras party was a pleasant and festive break from the classes and tests. Students dressed up in vibrant and colorful clothing, donned masks, and paraded around the school gym dancing to traditional New Orleans jazz. They then sat down to enjoy all kinds of fitting food for the holiday, including jambalaya! They then spent the rest of the time relaxing, dancing, and recreating with their peers and teachers. A wonderful time had by all! Thank you students for the joyful spirit of cheer you shared with us all.!

The SciCore Math Fair of 2023

SciCore Academy Student

SciCore Academy Student 1

We had an excellent math fair where students from elementary to high school displayed various theories and proofs in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Thank you parents for volunteering your time to judge the fair as well! This was an excellent opportunity for them to have fun, and have a glimpse into the importance and application of these interesting fields of study.

SciCore Academy's Christmas Party of 2022

We had a wonderful Christmas party this year, filled with food, decorations, gifts from secret Santa, and even Christmas-themed performances and plays from many of different classes. Thank you students and teachers for all of the help in putting together this beautiful celebration! More pictures (and videos) to come! Christmas Party 2022

Food Science Laboratory Bakes Bread!

Food Science Laboratory Bakes Bread

Our food science high school course is one of several elective and extra curricular classes where students enjoy hands on learning experiences in topics that are useful, but outside of the normal college-prep routine. In food science, the students recently made sauerkraut and baked bread after learning about chemical intricacies behind these processes. Other such classes include Debate, Theater, Yearbook Club, and Writing Club!

SciCore Students Winning Academic Prizes

Boy Wearing Eyeglasses with Trophies

Boy Holding Trophy

Congratulations to Milan Raghu and Pranav Prabaharaprabu for their respective wins in various competitions our students have been competing in. Milan won fifth place for the state level championship. Pranav and his 6 friends from Plainsboro Participated in First LEGO League challenge,official Qualifying tournament on 11/19/2022 at Mt. Olive High School,Flanders,NJ. Among the 29 teams participating, Pranav and his Team Won the First Prize in the following categories:
1.Best Robotic Design
2.Best Scoring in Robotic Missions Programmed
3. Beast Coach
4.Overall Performance(Robotic Design,Innovation & Coordination)

The SciCore 2022 Pie Day

Thank you so much parents and students for another wonderful annual pie day! The party went very smoothly and we all were able to easily enjoy the pies and other desserts everyone brought to school. It was also a treat to brush up on all of the Thanksgiving historical facts and goofy Thanksgiving jokes. Til' next time everyone!

The SciCore 2022 Pie Day

The New SciCore Debate Team!

Debate team

Congratulations to our new SciCore debate team. Solely made up of novices, they are already doing very well for beginners, winning 50-70% of their rounds. We can already see their character develop in preparing for their Lincoln-Douglas debate topics, an excellent opportunity for young minds to develop much needed critical thinking, open-mindedness, and a respect for truth.

The 2022 Halloween Party

The 2022 Halloween Party

The SciCore Halloween party was an excellent time of taking a break from work for both teachers and students. Dancing and candy filled the afternoon, as well as activities such as costumed musical chairs, pumpkin chunkin, and the annual costume competition. Thank you all for a wonderful first quarter of the year!

The SciCore Humanities Fair of 2022!

Thank you so much, students, for your diligent and excellent work in preparing for our annual humanities fair. Rave reviews from parents and guests! Please check out the video below for a full recording of the student presentations and performances!

SciCore's Annual Science Fair of 2022!

SciCore's Annual Science Fair of 2022

We had a wonderful science fair this year with so many different projects from different scientific fields of study, from physics and engineering to inorganic chemistry, and many applications of this knowledge in between. We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our parents, who volunteered to help judge the projects, as well as set up tables and clean up before and after the event! Great work, students and parents. Everyone enjoyed looking at the fruits of all the hard work, and our students proved how maturely and intelligently they can conduct themselves in explaining advanced concepts. Until next time!

SciCore Academy's Mardi Gras Party of 2022

As per tradition at our school, we held an annual Mardi Gras festival for all ages to celebrate the international carnival known as 'Mardi Gras'. In many classes, students were educated on the historical and symbolic background of the holiday, and at lunch, they paraded throughout the gym in costume to kick off a party of food, games, and dance. Thank you, Mrs. Poulos, for your wonderful jambalaya, and thank you to all the parents who helped out at the party. Thank you, children, for enjoying each other's company and making the day so joy-filled, exciting, and creative!

SciCore Academy's Mardi Gras Party of 2022

Christmas Cheer at SciCore!

Group Photo

We would like to thank all volunteers and teachers for another wonderful SciCore Christmas party this year! The students enjoyed the food, Christmas movies, caroling, decorations, and dancing, giving them a great time to unwind and enjoy each other's company. We look forward to the new year where we will continue and improve upon events like these as well as other opportunities for the students to recreate.

The SciCore Humanities Fair of 2019!

Our humanities fair this year was the best yet! Concerts and plays were timed and scheduled for each category of humanities classes we offer including comedy skits, Shakespeare, demonstrations and skits from our various language classes (Chinese, and Spanish), and recitations of famous speeches from middle school English classes. In between the plays, dances, and demonstrations, our hand bell choirs and choruses for each grade performed. Fruit salad, baked goods, and drinks were served in the intermission. Thank you teachers and students for the outstanding work!

Humanities Fair

The Annual SciCore Science Fair of 2019

Science Fair

The SciCore Science Fair is one of the biggest highlights of the school year! Students filled the gym with various different projects on scientific fields, from Biology to Engineering. The students spent time explaining their projects to passerby while waiting for their judge and many received rave reviews and honorable mentions within their grade, with first and second place often being determined by only a few points of difference. You can find pictures of the science fair on our Facebook page @SciCoreAcademyHightstown. Great work everyone!

The SciCore Math Fair of 2019

Our annual SciCore math fair was a mind-expanding experience as always. Students from grades 1-12 were able to explore various mathematical laws, patterns, and equations that can be found in nature and in the abstract. Students were able to both hone their presentation skills as well as their understanding of mathematical concepts at the fair. 

Math Fair

Mardi Gras Festivities of 2019!

Mardi Gras

Our annual Mardis Gras Party is an excellent way for our students to have fun, enjoy food, and learn about a unique holiday and culture all at the same time! Purple, gold, and green bedecked the gym as students learned about the history of Mardi Gras on the second floor of the middle school. After class, the students lined up in the hallways of the first floor, and began a march to classic New Orleans jazz around the gym. After the march, everyone sat down and enjoyed food and music, eventually giving away to dancing and games.

The SciCore Christmas Party of 2018!

Our SciCore tradition includes the great festival of Christmas and many of our parents and students claimed that this was our best party yet! Many were dressed in festive colors, ready for food and good cheer.  We enjoyed performances from our hand bell ensembles and choruses from various different grades, a buffet meal, a decorated gym with a manger and Christmas tree, and dancing. Have a great Christmas vacation everyone!

Christmas Party

The Pie Day of 2018!

Pie Day

As we enter more deeply into autumn, we set aside a day for our students and staff to reflect on all of the blessings they have in their lives. We spent much of the day teaching students about Thanksgiving, sharing pies, and taking a break from studies to relax and enjoy the holiday and the changing weather. Many of our students helped to donate to the Rise food pantry nearby. Enjoy the Fall everyone!

Halloween at SciCore!

Our students enjoyed dancing, eating, and showing off their costumes at out annual Halloween party! The students also built catapults for the annual SciCore Pumpkin Chunkin where they would see which catapult could throw a pumpkin the farthest and highest. We all had fun sharing treats, dancing to music provided by our DJ, Jeff Costello, and competing in costume competitions for each grade. Thank you parents, teachers, and students for this wonderful time!


Mardi Gras 2

February 11, 2016

Mardi Gras Event

This year's SciCore Mardi Gras party featured its usual array of music, food, and good cheer. The party celebrates a Catholic religious holiday rooted in French culture which marks a feast before a time of fasting known as Lent. The vice-principal of SciCore Academy, Mrs. Poulos, comes from a Creole family background that is immersed in Mardi Gras French-American culture. She conducted the preparations for the party with her knowledge of this culture and prepared authentic Mardi Gras dishes for all to enjoy. After the food, students, parents, and teachers enjoyed dancing, music, and activities.

SciCore Christmas Party With Santa Claus

December 18, 2015

Students were reeling in anticipation for today's SciCore Christmas Party, an event that captured the holiday spirit in the multipurpose school gym. Classes were light on schoolwork and homework due to the two week holiday break from classes and the students could hardly wait to celebrate its beginning at the party. Mrs. Poulos and volunteers comprised of staff and parents helped decorate and organize the gym to match the festivities. In the kitchen, the volunteers organized various dishes of food which included dessert. When the party began, Santa Claus made an appearance to hear Christmas wishes from children. After the food, the DJ, Jeff Costello, blasted music throughout the gym that inspired many to get up and dance while others continued to enjoy their dessert. Merriment continued for the rest of the school day, concluded by farewells from Dr. and Mrs. Poulos.


Halloween Party

October 30, 2015 (By Arthur Poulos, April 7, 2016)

This year's SciCore Halloween Party was a ghoulish extravaganza of color and sound. Students wearing incredible costumes walked into the gym for lunchtime after the school day had ended. They were greeted with decorations and food that matched the holiday atmosphere. Dancing, costume contests, and musical chairs followed the eating to complete the Halloween party. Students were ready to enjoy the weekend after partying with their friends.

SciCore Pie Day

November 25, 2015

Today marked the annual SciCore Pie Day, an event where students and staff bring various pies to celebrate the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. A simple but effective party ensued, where a multitude of various pies were consumed in an extended lunch period.

Mathematics Fair

November 20, 2015

The 2015 SciCore Mathematics Fair featured math presentations from all grade levels that showed a comprehensive understanding of the material well above many of their age peers. Parents, teachers, and students set up their projects on tables in the multipurpose gym area and prepared their presentations on various topics based on the theme of the history of mathematics. Judges then proceeded to carefully examine each of the projects and graded them based on the students' presentation knowledge of the material and the layout of their posters. At the end of the fair, winners of the fair for both the middle and high schools were announced. The students enjoyed each other's company and projects after they were graded and spent the rest of the night learning about math and its applications.

College Application/Preparation Seminar

September 24, 2015

This evening at 7:00 PM Dr. Poulos hosted the annual SciCore application/preparation informational seminar. Parents and students gathered at the high school facility at 125 Railroad Ave. around a table to listen to a presentation on the various facets of the college application and financial aid processes. The group eventually separated into one-on-one dialogue with Dr. Poulos to discuss their current progress in the process and strategies for the near future.